Do you want to know how to regain control of your life?

This session is for people who are looking for a new path in life but are not yet able to see it due to doubts, low self-confidence, blocking patterns and other obstacles. They experience a feeling of getting stuck.

  • You experience too little motivation, strength and self-confidence, so you cannot find the energy to change the situation
  • You underestimate yourself and your abilities
  • This causes so much stress and frustration that you are developing physical complaints
  • You feel stuck
  • You want to turn around the situation, but you don't know how

About me
Do you perhaps think that the transformation is impossible, then I can say that I have experienced it myself. I have transformed my life. Because of all the problems in my life I also got stuck, I couldn't see any other way and I was in a dark place. I then made the decision to work on myself, let go of the past and enjoy my life again. I want that for you too.

No matter how hard I tried as a child, I always felt that others were better at something than I was. I was a quiet child. I developed a lack of assertiveness and self-esteem. I couldn't say "no" and then I was mad at myself for not being able to. I often attracted the wrong people into my life who abused my sensitiveness.
That changed when I was about 20. I started reading books about working on yourself and I took the tips into my own life. Then I started to feel more powerful. Now I want to help people who have similar problems.
As a Life Coach and therapist I work with people who continue to live or often end up in difficult situations. People who can't see a new path yet.
I will teach you to embrace yourself and be kind to yourself.
I have taken several courses with Ali Campbell, Christine Hassler and Sai Blackbyrn - the best coaches and therapists in the world so that I can help you at the highest level.
In my way of guiding you, peace comes first. When your head becomes calm, you will connect with your intuition again.
I work from my passion and I get a lot of satisfaction when my clients can see a future again.
Through my life experiences and travel experiences I have learned that you have to look at the people from the perspective of their own culture, not through my own vision of it. That is what I do in my practice.

During our consultation we will look at what kind of situation you are experiencing and what you want to achieve with the help of my coaching. I will also tell you what you can expect from me and my services so that you have clarity. You will receive a tip from me that can help you to reduce negative feelings or negative self-talk.

To be able to take real steps, the right click between us is very important.
That is why I would like to invite you for a free consultation. This way you can decide whether I am the right person for you.